Please print and sign this Submission Form and Permission Agreement and give to Chris Allen in the machine room.
Copy this electronic copy of the form and your submission in the Drop CD-ROM Submissions Here! folder on the MacHack '94 drive on the server.
Hack Contest Info:
[√] Please also submit to the Hack contest
[ ] Do not submit to the Hack contest
[ ] Built before MacHack
[√] Built during MacHack
[ ] Built during the Hack Show
Name of Software:
Bruce Oberg, Microsoft
The Submitted Work is:
Not Included
MPW C v 3.2
System 7.1
Short Description (not to exceed 25 words, may be edited):
This extension allows lets you click by tapping on the TrackPad.
Long Description (not to exceed 100 words, may be edited):
Click like you've never clicked before. Choose between two completely different yet equally capable muscle groups. Don't be all thumbs. Justify the kilobucks you spent on a PowerBook 500 series computer.
Signed Permission Form Rcvd:
[ ] Yes [ ] No
The Submitter(s), grant nonexclusive all language world rights in the Submitted Work to the following (the Publishers):
[√] May be distributed by Expotech, Inc. for use in a MacHack CD-ROM;
[ ] May not be distributed by anyone EXCEPT Expotech, Inc. without the submitter(s) explicit written permission;
[√] May be freely distributed by any publisher as long as credit is given, and if the this work is accepted by any publisher for inclusion in a CD-ROM or book title, the Submitter(s) will receive one (1) copy of the CD-ROM or book;
[ ] May also be distributed by:
[ ] May NOT be distributed by:
The NON-ENCLUSIVE rights granted to the Publishers include all editions of their works, and all possible subsidiary and promotional uses in connection with those works.
Notice and Credit Line:
A notice & credit line may be required by the Submitter(s) before inclusion in any of the above works: [ ] No additional notice or credit lines is required; or [√] the publisher are required to print the following notice & credit line(s) (not to exceed 50 words):
ClickPad: Click using Apple®'s TrackPad. Written by Bruce Oberg.
The Submitter(s) warrant that the Submitter(s) are the sole owner of the copyright in the Submitted Work, the that Submitted Work does not infringe any other copyright; and that the Submitters have the right to enter into this agreement without impairing or violating any other rights or obligations. The Submitter(s) will indemnify the Publishers and those to whom the Publishers extend these warranties and this indemnity against loss, damage, or expense (including reasonable attorneys fees) arising out of breach or alleged breach of these warranties.
In compensation for these rights, warranties, and indemnification, the Submitter(s) will be compensated by the Publishers solely by whatever publicity may result from publishing it in the above works.